WhatNow App

Research UI/UX Branding


WhatNow was an iOS-first event sharing app that let users discover local happenings based on their interests. I designed a brandmark, a UI library and development standards, and created a prototype to unite stakeholder expectations and development requirements.

Users sign in through Facebook and get to interact with friends in their local areas to make plans and memories. I proposed a “Community” feature that would let users post and comment on events, which ended up being built to complement the event-exploration portion of the app.

Check out the prototype here →

The final WhatNow app logo
#0031E3 #0014AB #FF7F00 #FF3300

Classy Helvetica for legibility

Bebas does well as headlines and buttons

Mobile devices with the app login screen

The challenge

The client’s original idea was to focus on sharing events with the user’s community, and I used this as a starting point to build out what the user could accomplish.

My goal was to make discoverability and sharing as seamless as possible: categorizing events makes them easy to sift through, and the concept of “groups” enables quick sharing with the closest friends.

Skip to the final visual designs →

Digital sitemap of the app navigation
Wireframes showing screen anatomy
Wireframes of the event list screen
Wireframes of some sample screens


Stakeholders had mixed ideas about what the logo should look like. I conducted market research to base my proposals on real data, like which apps solved similar options and what tactics they used to continuously engage users.

Below are runners-up to the chosen logo, where I used blue to further differentiate our app from competitors—red (Meetup) and orange (Eventbrite).

An unused iteration of the Whatnow logo
An unused iteration of the Whatnow logo
An unused iteration of the Whatnow logo

Exploring artwork

The Category page is the first one the user would see after logging into the app, so we took advantage of the space to help set a mood and get the user excited to continue moving forward.

This approach was casted off because it didn’t provide enough contrast or visual differentiation.

Unused screen artwork showing sample art direction

Design to development

This project required building for iOS first. I focused on establishing design standards and design-to-dev hand off processes that helped speed up development and ensure the final product was future-proofed.

These are some of the elements I kept top of mind:

A hand holding a phone with the WhatNow app open in a street

Finding fun with friends

The final identity and brand experience focus on discovering and creating new memories with the local community. The app was designed to highlight the people using the app, focusing on event details and comments that users leave. The UI remains in the background as a complement to the activity happening in the app.

Check out the prototype here →

Mobile device with the event list screen
Mobile device with the event info screen
Mobile device with the community section open

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Say hi!   
dina.smithhayes@gmail.com →