Wave Financial's Social

Visual strategy Illustration Animation


If a picture’s worth a thousand words, what does a social media account say about a brand? Building a community and connecting with entrepreneurs around the world was a lot of fun and provided an opportunity to experiment with what resonated most.

Since 2019, we boosted interaction on all Wave’s social platforms from an average of 8 likes per post to 18! Higher volumes from social to the blog also increased conversion rates by 3%, thanks to purely organic traffic.


Serving useful content to audiences helps build community and trust and providing content in a way that feels natural and relevant to that platform helps achieve that goal. Visual graphics are designed to create a smoother flow from acquisition (like Instagram) to consumption and sign up (like Wave's blog)

A desk with a phone with an animated video on top
A hand holding a phone with a Wave blog post


likes per post




conversion increase

all organic traffic

Bringing animations to the channels

Social trends are moving steadily to motion graphics. Video provides a unique opportunity to explore Wave's identity through motion and create more unique and memorable artefacts that are timely and fun.

An illustration of a woman multi-tasking

Illustration lends itself to fun and lets us incorporate inclusion and diversity with grace.

Our followers

Thinking about how our audiences interact with our brand and how they access our educational content, the messaging and graphics on our profiles need to clearly communicate our product offering.

Liked this project? Check out

Wave Financial's Blog →

Connecting entrepreneurs with valuable content

Wave's Culture Manifesto →

Building trust through shared values and honest culture

Sid's Deli →

A family-friendly deli in Toronto

WhatNow App →

Sharing events with friends to create memories

Say hi!   
dina.smithhayes@gmail.com →